$1,200 Seed Money Your Grand-Children Gave You

  • In most cases, the government will send each employed individual $1,200 who had an income of $75,000 or less.
  • Don't be fooled; you, your kids, and your grand-kids will be paying this money back with interest through future taxation.  Your children will not like paying higher taxes for less services anymore than we do today.
  • The least we could do is something that will pay our children back in one manner or another (with money or better government).

If you are in doubt about the amount you will receive, this link takes you to the government calculator.

+ Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA)
  • Those who are eligible for PUA can also receive an additional $600 per week through July 31, 2020, under the Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation program.  Click here learn more.

Economic Impact Payment Information Center
  • Answers to frequently asked questions related to these COVID-19 Economic Payments
  • If you accidentally threw out your card check here.

Return to the previous page.

Last modified: Monday, 10 August 2020, 1:22 PM